Ovarian cancer recurrence

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Granulosa cell tumors of the ovary: prognostic factors and outcome. Gynecol Oncol ; Recent advances in Granulosa Cell Tumor Ovary: a review. Indian J Surg Oncol ; 4 1 : Ovarian cancer recurrence granulosa cell tumors: a retrospective study of 27 cases and a review of the literature.

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World J Surg Oncol ; Immunohisto-chemical characterization of primary and recurrent adult granulosa cell tumors. Intern Gynecol Pathol ; 31 1 : Prognostic ovarian cancer recurrence in adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary: a retrospective analysis of 80 cases.

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J Gynecol Oncol ; 20 3 : Granulosa cell tumor of ovary: A clinicopatho-logical study of four cases with brief review of literature. J Midlife Health ; 5 3 : Rokitansky CV.

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Uber Abnormalitäten des Corpus Luteum. Wien Med Ztc ; 4: Juvenile granulosa cell ovarian tumor: clinicopathological evaluation of ten patients. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc ; 16 1 : CT and Ovarian cancer recurrence findings of sex cord-stromal tumor of the ovary.

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Obstet Gynecol Imaging ; 1 : Obstet Gynecol Sci ; 58 5 : Successful multi-modalitytherapy of recurrent multifocal juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the ovarian cancer recurrence.

J Ped Hematol Oncol ; 24 3 : Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary.

The aim of this study is a retrospective analysis of the spectrum of ovarian tumors: statistics, epidemiology and pathological features, based on one-year experience in our hospital. Materials and method.

Cancer Treat Rev ; 34 1 : Gynecol Oncol ; 81 1 :
