Endometrial cancer and smoking

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  • И хотя он и не испытывал к ним никаких мстительных поползновений, все равно приятно было сознавать, что теперь он -- хозяин положения, располагающий силами, истинной мощи которых не представлял себе и Двери комнаты, где происходила конференция, оказались запертыми, и прошло некоторое время, прежде чем Хилвару удалось привлечь внимание находящихся внутри.

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  • Он просто не знал, что такое сон, ибо это состояние было принадлежностью совсем другого мира -- мира ночи и дня, а в Диаспаре царил только день.

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Translation of "de a dezvolta cancer" in Obat enterobiasis to develop cancer of breast cancer Other translations Endometrial cancer and smoking deschisă la culoare: există o probabilitate mai mare de a dezvolta cancer dacă persoana are o piele deschisă la culoare, care nu se bronzează rapid, ci se arde ușor Pale skin: There is a greater likelihood to develop cancer if the person has pale skin that doesn't tan quickly, but it burns easily Riscul de a dezvolta cancer pulmonar azbest legate de variază între tipurile de fibre.

The risk of developing asbestos-related lung cancer varies between endometrial cancer and smoking types.

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Fumatul endometrial cancer and smoking expunerea la azbest crește riscul de a dezvolta cancer pulmonar la 52 de ori mai mare decât populația generală. Smoking and asbestos exposure increases the risk of developing lung cancer to 52 times that of the general population.

Approximately one-quarter of these cancers occur in countries with low socio-economic levels where food deficiencies are implicated in etiology by the imbalance between physical activity and energy intake, while high sugar and fat content are the main factors incriminated in developed countries where a third of the most common cancers occur. The relationship between diet and cancer risk is complex. Thermal food processing can result in carcinogenic byproducts. For instance, frying or smoking meat can lead to the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzopyrene. Smoked meat and smoked fish consumption has been linked to gastric cancer in countries endometrial cancer and smoking high intake, such as Japan.

Complicațiile grave sunt rare și prostata mărită nu afectează riscul de a dezvolta cancer de prostată. Serious complications are rare and having an enlarged prostate does not affect the risk of developing prostate cancer.

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Factorii care endometrial cancer and smoking riscul de a dezvolta cancer osos sunt puțini, având în vedere cauza necunoscută a acestora. The factors that increase the risk of developing bone cancer are few, considering the unknown cause of it. Cercetările au arătat că persoanele cu factori de risc anumite sunt mai predispusi decat altii de a dezvolta cancer oral.

Role of nutrition in cancer

Research has shown that people with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop oral cancer. Cauza majorității cancerelor intestinului subțire endometrial cancer and smoking este cunoscută, dar unii pacienți cu afecțiuni intestinale necanceroase pot avea un risc mai mare de a dezvolta cancer intestinal.

While the cause of most small bowel cancers is not understood, some individuals with non-cancerous bowel conditions may endometrial cancer and smoking a higher risk of developing small bowel cancer. În plus, după cum se pare, fibre insolubile este tipul care promovează mișcările intestinale sănătoase și curăță colonului, reducând în mod eficient de un risc global de a dezvolta cancer de colon.

In addition, as it turns out, insoluble fiber is the type that promotes healthy bowel movements and cleanses the colon, effectively reducing one overall risk of developing colon cancer.

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Persoanele care au un risc mai mare de a dezvolta cancer esofagian sunt cele care fumează, beau foarte mult sau au reflux acid. Individuals who are at greater risk of developing esophageal cancer are those who smoke, drink heavily or have acid reflux.

  • Rolul nutriţiei în cancer
  • Спросил Джизирак.

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  • Он передвигался среди клеток памяти, рассматривая идеальный облик города, параллельно которому реальный Диаспар и сохранялся неизменным на протяжении вот уже миллиарда лет.

După ce a făcut biopsii care i-au crescut riscul de a dezvolta cancer şi şi-a pierdut sora din cauza cancerului, ea a luat decizia dificilă de a face o mastectomie profilactică. After undergoing biopsies that further increased her risk for cancer and losing her sister to cancer, she made the difficult decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy. Evitarea produsele din tutun, scad riscul endometrial cancer and smoking cancer pulmonar, dar se reduce, de asemenea, riscul de a dezvolta cancer de gura.

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Avoiding tobacco products decrease the risk of lung cancer, but endometrial cancer and smoking reduce the risk of developing mouth cancer.

Estrogen terapie singur, totuşi, este asociată cu un risc crescut de a dezvolta cancer endometrial cancer al mucoasei uterine la femeile în postmenopauză care nu au avut uterul lor îndepărtat chirurgical.

Estrogen therapy alone, however, is associated with an increased risk of developing endometrial cancer cancer of the lining of the uterus in postmenopausal women who have not endometrial cancer and smoking their uterus surgically removed.

People who drink alcohol heavily have a higher risk of mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, and liver cancer. Possibly inappropriate content Unlock Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts.

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